Friday, November 4, 2022

How much caffeine do you need in daily life?benefits and adverse effects

Caffeine intake

We all have definite amount of caffeine intake in our daily life. Caffeine is added in our body by consuming soft drinks like coke or by taking tea and coffee. Caffeine is a chemical belongs to pharmacological class methylxanthines which acts as a stimulant. Intake of caffeine on daily basis helps boost memory avoiding Alzheimer disease.

Caffeine also relieves from anxiety and tiredness due to which it belong class of most widely used ingredients. 

Mechanism of Action

 While discussing about its mechanism of action caffeine acts on our brain and vital organs by inhibiting or blocking adenosine receptors which is in nurotransmitter produced in our body to relax ourself and in the same way activate noradrenaline and dopaminergic receptors.

Benefits of Caffeine

Benefits of caffeine

Benefits of caffeine

1. It may lower risk of diabetes Mellitus

Caffeine has the tendency to reduce risk of Diabetes Mellitus. Your insulin sensitivity may be decreased by caffeine. That implies that your cells no longer respond to the hormone as strongly as they once did. After you eat or drink, they don't take as much sugar from your blood. Because of this, your body produces more insulin, which results in greater levels after meals.

Benefits of caffeine

2.It boosts metabolism and burns fat

Caffeine has the tendency to burn calories by boosting up the metabolism.It reduces the weight of an individual depending on daily consumption of caffeine in tea.Caffeine burns fat which ultimately reduces weight.

Benefits of caffeine

3.Caffeine reduces risk of Heart Disease

As caffeine is associated with reduction in body fat and higher metabolic rates,it reduces the risk of cardiac diseases.Any type of caffeinated drink increases blood pressure thereby stimulating heart and decrease vital organ to collapse.

Monday, August 8, 2022

Growing Tomatoes:An art and a Myth

Growing tomato plant

Tomatoes growing is an art and I have an association with the art of tomato growing. Tomatos are rich source of Vitamin C and lycopene and are veey beneficial from health point of view.
Tomato is a perennial herb whose Scientific Name is "Solanum lycopersicum" (Family Solanacea)whose seeds can be sowed throughout the year except during frost days and extreme hot summer day. 
I have a personal experience of growing tomatoes over 15 years. I always preferred to start tomatoes from seeds.As an experiment I selected seeds which were hybrid and in few of My Experiments I harvested seeds from domestic plants. 
To prevent attack of my plants from pests and algae I conferred my seeds to undergo Algae attack initially by placing my seeds in small amount of water and holding it for a couple of days; a black mould appearing on the surface Where revealing that plant will survive from algae and pathogens. 
Growing tomato plant from seeds

This experiment was performed on harvested domestic seeds from market bought tomatos. I sowed these seeds at end of summer season in september and i got my seedlings aftter 10 to 14 days which were not tender and were looking strong enough to survive against environmental conditions. 

Tomato seedings care

After 2 months these tomato plants were turning into mature plants.One important thing was that i grew them in sacs.They were packed with Soil of approximate 5 kg in each bag.
Tomato plant care

I always try calcium carbonate to my plants soil at this level atfer regular intervals.According to my exposure,egg shells proved to be best source of calcium to my plants. For this purpose,i retained some egg shells of daily use and i allowed them to dry.Then by crushing and mashing into fine powder,i added these egg shells in bottles containing water. I poured this Calcium containing water on my tomato plants at regular intervals of every week. 
Natural plant fertilizer

By Adding this calcium containing water to my tomato plants,resulted in increased size of leaves.
Tomato plant

After another few days,yellowish flowers appeared on my tomato plants when its size was 2 to 2.5 feet approximately. These yellow flowers are self pollinating,they become tomatos due to power of wind,insects and flies by which pollination started. 
Tomato flower

After another 20 days,these yellow flowers dimished and changed into beautiful buds like appearance which were Raw tomatoes. 
Young tomato

I picked extra branches and some leaves to strengthen my tomato's and to increase the bulk weight of tomatoes. By appling these methods a Got bunch of tomatoes from every plant. 
Best tomato growth

It was the time when i waited for about 20 more days to get red tomatoes.During this phase,load of water and nutrients was increased so as to fulfill plants demands. I harvested these tomatoes when they were red and also collected seeds for next term of tomato season.
Cherry Tomato

Harvest tomato

Monday, June 6, 2022

How to start Seeding

start Seeding

Growing plants from Seeds is an art and it also has certain charm enclosed in this myth.However,there are certain factors which can influence on seed germination including seed quality,seed storage,sowing season,water content,soil condition,heat and light. 

I always preferred growing seasonal herbs from seeds.I also preferred to collect seeds from healthy vegetables instead of store baught seeds. Soil media prepared by me consists of combination of organic fertilizer made up of leafs or dead decaying plants remnants and coco peat in a ratio of 20:80.Here i shall not only discuss success i got during seeding but also some failures so that you may beware of these misfortunes.

start Seeding

Here is picture of spinach seeds i added in partly moistened soil and covered with coco peat and placed in partial shadow.
I got little seedlings within seven days which were young and healthy enough demonstrating the wellness of seeding procedure.
start Seeding

After 2 weeks the seedlings were strong enough to be transplanted to a newer bigger pot,so i shifted them carefully to a 10 inch pot whose soil was also well nourished.

start Seeding

A problem was observed next day of transplantation,2 plants were with tared edges which was indication of birds attack.
So,i concluded that young plants be protected from birds attack as they are prone to them.
5 days after transplantion i observed that leaves of cocumber plants were turning yellow,i added sufficient neutrirnts as i was assuming that soil was depleting its nutrients.
Inspite of redemial actions for preventing birds attack and depleted nutrients supply,plants were turning yellow day by day and one after another.
I placed water containing plastic tray underneath the pot so that it may not get dry due to high sunlight.I also inserted bamboo sticks to make of barrier to birds attack.
Yellowness was due to high heat of summer sunlight which was not fit for young plants.
It is therefore recommended to place yong seedling in partial sunlight or partial shadow before plants get mature enough to be placed in full sunlight.
start Seeding

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Top Natural Immunity Boosters

 Top Natural Immunity Boosters

Natural Immunity

Immunity is the response of the body to the pathogens like bacteria,virus fungi and molds.
Body can have two types of immune responses:

1-Innate/natural immunity
2-acquired immunity

1-innate or natural immunity 

It is the type which your body's defense system actually have in born.This type of immunity boosts after encounter with diffrent pathogens during daily life.
Once you get infected by some pathogen,invading into your body,your immune system start developing defensive mechanisms by antibodies present in your body.As long as you recover from that particular disease,memory cells develop against such disease to fight this pathogen next time with enhanced defensive mechanism.
Natural Immunity booster

2-Acquired Immunity

This form of immunity is not by birth from your forefathers.This immunity develops after some interventions to let your body ready next time against invading pathogens.
One can get this immunity after vaccination procedures against specific type of diseases
Some of us often get vaccinations before travelling to other countries or during pandemic situations we may get vaccination prophylactically against some specific type of pathogen.
In fact,by doing so we are developing antibodies to combat these disease states by developing acquired immunity.
There are several nutrients essential to our body for immunity boost up.However,some of them are already added to our cuusine and some are not.
We can wisely select them and put them for our daily cusines.
These include:
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Vitamin B6
Anti oxidants and several other nutrients.Plenty of these nutrients are found in natural foods of our daily life.By taking these natural remedies,we can definitely get these nutrients and boost up our immunity.

1. Citrus fruits

natural immunity enhancer

Citrus fruits are rich source of vitamin C.
Vitamin C is a vital nutrient help to strengthen White blood cells and fight against bacteria and viruses.
Vitamin C is rich in lemon,oranges and all citus fruits.
Another important thing is that we need it on daily basis as there is no control mechanism in our body to produce it by natural means or to store it.

2. Eggs

immunity with eggs
Eggs are rich source of protein and vitamin B6 which can be a great support for muscle mass,eye and brain functioning.
Eggs contain HDL fat which is a good fat and reduces LDL which is a bad fat for our body and reduces risk of heart problem.
Enriched with vitamin B6,its good for many biochemical pathways in our body to enhance our immunity.
So,addition of one egg a day in our diet either boiled or poched can help strengthening our immune system.

3. Garlic

immunity with garlic

Garlic is an addition to cuisines from years,however we dont know that its sulphur containing compound allicin is much better for our health.
Usage of garlic on daily basis in our food can boost up immunity and reduces narrowing of arteries and vessels leading to regulation of blood pressure.

4. Ginger

natural immunity
Ginger is another ancient nutrient in our diets from centuries.Ginger contain chemical zingiberine which help regulating our immune system.
Its properties include anticancer as well.
Ginger helps relieving sore throat and nausea.
Ginger is helpfull in reducing anti inflammatory disorders.

5. Brocolli

natural immunity

This greenish vegetable is packed with plenty of vitamins and nutrients. It retains its phytochemicals for our body if we take it without baking or lightly baked or steamed only.
Brocolli contains potassium and zinc which are great markers for immune system.This greenish vegetable is packed with vitamin C,A and E and a lot of fibers to help retain our immune system.


natural immunity with honey

Honey through its antioxidant properties is also a key subscriber in list of immunity boosters.
Honey contains polyphenols and several vitamins,enzymes,micro and macronutreints.Honey has the capacity to reduce inflammatory responses and can lower cardiac risks and blood pressure.
Honey can reduce oxidative stress and can boost up immunity through several vitamins available in its raw form.



Spinach is a dark green leefy herb full of vitamin C and antioxidants which help fighting our body against numerous foreign invaders.
Spinach is also rich in beta carotenes which brightens skin and increases functionality of eyes.


yogurt for immunity

Yogurt is a great source of vitamin D which regulates immune system.Yogurt also contains probiotics to help functioning gut better.
Yogurt by provision of vitamin D3 help our body natural defense mechanism to cope up with germs.

9. Almonds

almonds for immunity

Almonds contain vitamin E which is a fat soluble vitamin and an anti oxidant.This natural remedy through its vitamin E activity can strengthen our immune system


turmeric for immunity

Turmeric is part of our foods from many decades.This yellow bitter powder is a good addition for great immune system.
Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties conferred by several immune responses.
It is also a remedy for rheumatoid arthritis.
Turmeric is also known for its anti-alzheimer and anticancer properties.
Turmeric is rich in chemical curcumin which help combating muscle damage and provides good immune system.

11. Green Tea

green tea for immunity

Green tea is packed with flavonoids which maintain our immunity.Green tea if not vigorously boiled can have a chemical EGCG which enhances immune care should be exercised not to boil green tea and add it in steaming water only.
Green Tea also yields compound L-theanine which help our T-cells to give great immune response at time of invasion from germs.
• Take natural and healthy diet instead of Junk food to boost up your immunity.
• Never too cook vegetables or diet so as to lessen their dietary values or diminished activity to deliver vitamins and nutrients.
• Addition of supplements is not recommended as a substitute to these natural home remedies untill specified by your prectitioner only.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Yoga and Meditation


Yoga and meditation

Top 10 health benefits of performing YOGA

1. Blood circulation

Yoga can enhance blood circulation into all vital organs of the body like heart,brain,kidneys,liver and stomach.
Yoga also improves blood circulation to peripheries like limbs arms and legs.
As blood circulation become faster and streamline,we in return become less prone to dead veins.
Improved blood circulation help performing our bodily organs more better.
So,as we know who moves get success in return.its time to start some YOGA.

2. YOGA improves flexibility

By performing yoga,muscles become stretch,and you become able to attach your all distancing body parts.
You can touch,see your back or attach toe of your feet.
You can enhance hip movements.
Your axis of body skeleton become flexible by your own will.
All this is possible when you have some good mindset of YOGA.

3. YOGA improves inhalation and exhalation

One can improve oxygenation capacity of its own lungs.By sitting in good position and inhaling and exhaling with full concentration improves lungs functioning.
Muscles of lungs become more susceptible to oxygen and similarly exhale carbondioxide and other lung carrying gases to make you more fresher.

4.YOGA strengthen Muscle functions

By performing YOGA on continuous basis,muscles restore glycogen and become stronger.
Yoga can also improve bulk of muscles thus resulting in quick strong and prompt reaction in need of times.
Continuous yoga also eliminates lactic acid of muscles resulting in elimination of fatigue in muscles.

5.You become less susceptible to diseases

As we know that increased blood circulation results in increased functional capacity of vital Organs including heart,brain,lungs,kidneys and stomach.
Increased functioning by improved blood circulation of these organs help in reduction of many diseases.
Cholesterol level reduction also results in burning of extra body fat by increased metabolism and exercise.

6.Enhanced Concentration on Work

Yoga improves functioning of brain and ultimately results in focused workout of individual.
Relax and peaceful mindset develops with daily yoga based activities.
Secretion of serotonin and other mood enhancing chemicals during bodily exercise help benefiting us from Yoga.

7.Posture Improvement

We often engage our self from dawn to dusk in hectic fatigue our muscles of shoulder,neck and spine.
All these result in distorted posture.
By relaxing our self by Yoga,we can improve our posture.Certain good positions during YOGA can help acquire this aim of posture improvement.

8. Yoga help boosting metabolism

During exercise and YOGA,blood circulation to stomach and liver is enhanced which improves metabolism.
This may help removal of metabolites from our body inducing urge for healthy eating.

9.Improvement in Sleep

Continrous YOGA help improving sleep patterns. With the help of peace and relax generated by YOGA activities,one can get benefit of long hours of peaceful sleep.

10.Reduction in Blood Glucose levels

As YOGA is beneficial for improving blood circulation,it also reduces peripheral resistance resulting in blood glucose levels regulations.
Blood sugar level reduces due to removal of peripheral resistance to insulin.


• Its recommended to start YOGA slowly and then reach a steady state level.
• For good results start YOGA and make it a habit to execute for at least 1 hour a day.
• Balance your YOGA routine with balanced diet and good sleep.

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