Showing posts with label Sugar associated risks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sugar associated risks. Show all posts

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Behaviour of your body on Sweets and alarming impacts

behavior of your body on sweets

Sugar is a form of carbohydrate which our body convert into glucose.If you are taking too much sugar then it may put a harm to your health. Natural Sugars including carbohydrates are already present in many natural foods including fruits,vegetables, cereals, nuts,beans and dairy products.
Taking normal amount of sugar provides energy to our body cells, however when we take an appreciable increased amount of sugar on continuous basis, we are taking ourselves to a risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease,obesity and many other complications.

Having to take too much Sugar?

Taking too much soft drinks, dairy items, fruit juices adds a lot sugar to our body. According to National Institute of cancer, a healthy male adult take 24 spoonfulls of sugar in a day which approximately equals to 384 calories per day.
Taking this enhanced amount of sugar in our diet poses our body to a risk of obesity linking us to diabetes.
behavior of your body on sweets

Impact of Sugar on Cardiovascular System

How sugar imparts any affects to the heart health is not clearly understood,however it is indirectly associated with liver capacity to metabolize sugar.
Our liver metabolises sugar in the same way as it may metabolise alcohol,eventually leading to a condition known as "fatty liver".
This fatty liver also leading to deposition of fat droplets in many body organs and increasing load of Sugar in body by adopting a mechanism known as lipogenesis.
This increased fat load ia associated with increased risk of heart attack and other cardiac complications.
behavior of your body on sweets

Impact on blood pressure regulation

Sugary beverages put extra calories to our body leading to increased fat load to our body.Additionally,sugar higher than the recommended daily intake overwhelms the body pathophysiology and lead to inflammation.
Coupled with fatty liver and increased sugar level in blood,pressure is increased leading to certain problems of blood pressure regulating  system.
behavior of your body on sweets

Increase risk of diabetes associated with sugar consumption

Eating sugar does not mean you may develop diabetes. Whoever there is a connection between sugar intake and diabetes. Higher Sugar intake main led to obesity and fat accumulation.
Obesity due to sugar is a major cause of diabetes as it may lead to resistance for insulin. Furthermore, continuous high intake of sugar results in resistance to secretion of insulin hormone by pancreas.
Consumption of too much beverages and soft drinks me also lead to diabetes development by following these two mechanisms.
behavior of your body on sweets

Tooth decay associated with Sugars

There is a close relationship between teeth decay and sugar. Our dental surface which is named as plaque is made up of bacteria and mucous membrane. Bacteria which is present on surface are dependent on Sugar to produce acids which in turn breaks our dental plaque. All Sugars have this tendency to convert into acid. Soft drinks and beverages are more sticky in nature and hence start our teeth decay.
behavior of your body on sweets

•Ways to improve dental health

1-minimise the uses of soft drinks and beverages
2-drink fresh water instead of soft drinks
3-improve dental hygiene by daily brushing
4-uses of mouthwash containing fluorinated compound
5-routine visit of dental doctors.

Tendency to develop acne

Sugars have increased dependency to develop acne in susceptible individuals. Sugar have high glycemic index raises blood sugar level ,insulin secretion, inflammation and trigger androgen secretion and produce fat and acne. It has also been observed that rural individuals do not take processed  foods and beverages as compared to Urban individuals and hence have less Tendency to develop acne.
behavior of your body on sweets

How much of the Sugars are not harmfull to your body?

Although sugar is not added in recommended daily allowance and is not integral part of must having nutrients for your body.
However,American Heart Association mentions that women can take on average 6 spoonfulls in a day which equals 100 gms of sugar.In the same way men can have 9 spoonfulls of sugar in a day which equals 150 gms of sugar.
In both of the cases some workout is required to utilize added sugars in human body.

Cutdown your daily Sugar Intake to avoid untoward effects on your body

A small decrease in daily sugar intake in your daily life can bring a big change in your health.
•Reduce intake of sweetened tea,coffee or other beverages having high levels of sugars.
•Try avoiding alcoholic drinks,soda drinks or other carbonated beverages .
•lessen the usage of jellies and candies in breaks and substitute them with nuts and fresh fruits.
•Instead of taking shakes or smoothies laden with plenty of sugars in them try eating fresh fruits or prepare them by yourself without sugars.

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