1.Brush on daily basis,twice a day
Having edibles whole of the day adds plaque to our teeth which can be removed by brushing only.We all brush our teeth during day time after awakening while most of us neglect brushing before going to bed.
If we brush our teeth before going to bed,we can get rid of bacteria and accumulation of plaque to our teeth.
2.Add Fluoride toothpaste in your Oral Health products Inventory
While choosing your toothpaste,instead of focusing on flavours like menthol and mint,you must consider flouride as an ingredient in your toothpaste.
Fluoride has always been mainstay to prevent your teeth from Decay.It works by fighting against germs and provision of better protection to your teeth.
3.Brush Properly
The way you brush is equally important for your Teeth health.Always do brushing in circular contineous motions up and down the oral cavity on teeth.Involve molar teeths as well.
The plaque upon hardening lead to calculus formation and foul smelling from your mouth.
Residue remaining left on your teeth which will not be removed by brushing may also lead toward yellowing of teeth.
4.Never oversight your tongue while Brushing
Tongue may also bear some plaque which can lead to foul smell from your moth.Make a habit not to oversight your tongue during brushing.
Although it may feel queer or something feeling on surface of tongue but application of paste bearing brush gently may help doing this.
5.Try to Floss regularly
We brush our teeth but we neglect flossing.Flossing is as important as brushing teeth with a paste.This actovity removes threads,particles and fibers from among the teeth cavities.
Flossing activates dental mucosa while reducing inflammation and gingivitis.Youcan get these benefits by flossing once daily.
6.Dont take flossing much difficult
Flossing activity may put you in discomfort but you must not stop flossing.Flossing is also difficult for younger children and Old individuals suffering from cavities or arthritic pains.
Instead of stopping floss,find some alternate ways as to remove particles and thread from among the teeth.You can buy teeth flossers from nearby dental stores or pharmacies.
7.Make a habit of Mouthwash
Mouthwashes are important for those who consider it difficult for brushing or flossing.Mouthwashes remove plaque or particles entangled in between the spaces of your teeth.
Mouthwashes come in several flavours and Chemicals.Calcium gluconate,mint and menthol flavoured mouthwashes are common.
Try mouthwash at least once daily.You can also take diluted mouthwash with equal or lessened portion of water if you feel mouthwash burning or stingy.Mouthwashes with Natural drugs are also common including clove and cinnamon.
8.Drink plenty of watet between meals
Drink plenty of watet and stay hydrated as to remove acid secreted on teeth after plaque upon contact of caramel and sweets.Drinking water between meals keep you away from foul smelling of mouth.Water also neutralizes pH of stomach and mouth so as to keep you fresh and active while diluting mucosa of Oral cavity.
9.Let your Jaws work on crunchy fruits and vegetables
Do not slice your vegetables and fruits, bite them to activate jaws.Crunch of fruits and vegetables remove acid from teeth and freshens your oral mucosa.
10.Minimize on usage of sugar and acidic foods
Sugars have the tendency to convert into acids which ultimately disrupts the enamel layers on teeth.This disrupted enamel layering lead to cavities formation.Sugars specifically caramel and coffee,teas are major constitutents.
However,you may not skip out usage of coffee and sugars,perform brushing and water intake to help remove sugar and acid content from teeth.
11.Visit dental doctor on bi-annual basis
You may feel healthier Oral mucosa but you must not avoid visiting your dental doctor at least twice in an year.
Keep updated about overall health you are bearing in your Oral cavity while performing all necessary checks mentioned in this Blog.
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